
SSI is a world leader regarding developing training standards for Life Saving Appliance service technicians. SSI played the key roles of author and project leader during the  development of the recently published ISO publicly available specifications (PAS),  ISO PAS 23678 parts 1 to 4.  The project began in early 2017 when our  training manger  developed a set of internal training standards to comply with requirements of Resolution MSC. 402 (96) in readiness for It coming into force on the 1st January 2020

SSI due to its worldwide presence realised it was vital that competency of service personnel needed to be accepted globally.  The most effective way to achieve this objective was to develop an international training standard that provided a reliable, consistent, robust and detailed competence framework,  whilst at the same time complying with the requirements of 402 (96).

If this could be achieved it would be highly likely that member states who are signatory to SOLAS would adopt and use the standards to assist in authorising service providers. SSI’s training manager who is a committee member of the British Standards Institute (BSI) was nominated to represent BSI as an expert on ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technologysubcommittee SC 1, SSI’s internal training standards were presented to the committee members, which included representatives of  flag administrations , equipment manufacturers, classification societies and ship owners. It was quickly recognised that  SSI’s internal training standards could be developed into a ISO  Standard.  

survival systems international

SSI’s training manager was given the prestigious role of project leader and successfully  facilitated the project  through to publication. To accompany the publication of the PAS,  ISO ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, subcommittee SC 1  submitted a paper to IMO, the papers purpose is to inform flag administrations and classification societies how ISO PAS 23678 series supports the implementation of the new resolution, the paper  also requests that Resolution 402 (96) is amended to include a footnote referencing ISO PAS 23678 .  If accepted by IMO member states  at MSC 102, ISO PAS 23678 will be used by flag administrations to grant authorisation  in accordance with resolution MSC.402(96).

survival systems international

We at Survival Systems International are proud to know we are far ahead of our competitors regarding developing and offersing training programmes which complies with PAS, as we were the authors and fully understand how to comply its requirements.  

SSI’s  training programme has been reviewed and accepted by a number of Flag Administrations to train and certify  service technicians to safely work on various makes and types of equipment in compliance with the requirements of MSC Resolution 402 (96).

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survival systems international
survival systems international