Replacing your Lifeboat Hooks due to new IMO regulations?
Existing lifeboat hook systems that do not comply with the revised SOLAS regulations must be replaced by july 1st 2019
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The Triple 5LX Hook Release Mechanism
Survival Systems International design, manufacture and install the inherently safe Triple 5LX Hook Release Mechanism worldwide.
The SSI hook design principle has evolved within the Oil and Gas industry due to 50+ years of use within our own SSI Capsules. Due to the increased concerns of twinfall hook safety SSI has been able to adopt the same inherently safe working principles, bringing Single Fall Safety to the Twin Fall user.

DEADLINE: 1st July 2019
PLEASE NOTE: The instruction to operators, is to ensure that any LRRS (Lifeboat Release and Retrieval Systems) that are deemed non-compliant are replaced at first scheduled dry docking after 1st July 2014, but no later than 1st July 2019.
Load Locks the Hooks
The Triple5LX Release System is engineered with a Lift Over Center design as the central concept. Lift Over Center is defined as the load point of the hook being directly above the center of the pivot point of the hook. Such a design ensures that the weight of the boat works to keep the hooks closed when it is suspended above the water.

Safety without Manual Pin
There is a desire to have additional locks (pins) in any hook body for added safety. Pinning each hook however creates danger if these pins are left in during an emergency. The Triple5 has a built-in Internal Secondary Safety System in each hook that acts as a pin but can of be disengaged from the helmsman’s position.
Eliminating the Hydrostat
Triple5LX begins with a fundamentally stable system resulting in no need for a hydrostat system. This is safer hook system and has less operation risks and less maintenance concerns.

A Deliberate Separate Action
for On-load Release
Traditional lifeboat hooks use the same handle for an off-load release and on-load release. For safety SSI intentionally designed a distinctly different method for on-load release. A Triple5LX on-load release requires deliberate separate steps using a secondary handle.
Reset Hooks from the Helmsman’s Position
The Triple5LX Hook System uses high strength, maximum efficiency push / pull cables connected directly to the hooks. This allows the hooks to be RESET as well as opened from the safety of the helmsman’s position.

PDF Downloads
For full technical information, please see our PDF downloads below:
Are your Lifeboats Affected?
IMO released MSC. 1392 in response to serious accidents and fatalities involving the on-load release mechanisms of twin-fall lifeboats.
Cruise Lifeboat Hook Enquiry Form
If you have an enquiry with regards to our Triple 5LX Hook please fill in the enquiry form below and we will reply with 48 hours.