Lifeboat Inspection Services

Lifeboat inspection MSC 402 (96) annual & 5-yearly inspections

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Lifeboat and Liferaft inspection Services

Make sure you're always ready with regular lifeboat inspections and liferaft inspections. Regular lifeboat inspection and maintenance ensures your equipment remains in a state of readiness.

Lifeboat Inspection Services

Regular lifeboat inspection and maintenance will ensure your equipment remains in a state of readiness.

With our worldwide team of multi-brand certified lifeboat technicians, we can perform your annual & 5-yearly lifeboat inspections in compliance with IMO & SOLAS requirements under MSC 402 (96).

Survival Systems International are approved as an Authorised Service Provider in accordance with the draft IMO resolution relating to requirements for periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboats, rescue boats, launching appliances and on-load release gear.

Certification of technicians authorised to carry out periodic inspection and testing of lifeboats, rescue boats, launching appliances and on-load release gear is as detailed in the draft MSC resolution agreed at IMO.

lifeboat load testing

This approval has been independently audited and confirmed by several members of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). These audits were carried out in accordance with Classification Society requirements including their Unified Requirement Z17.

Our Technicians undergo extensive competency training which includes experience on the job, classroom training, practical training, external OEM training & a number also have prior knowledge of OEM equipment.

offshore lifeboat capsule maintenance

Offshore Lifeboat Inspection Services Enquiry Form

If you have an enquiry with regards to Inspection Services please fill in the enquiry form below and we will reply with 48 hours.

To ensure a swift and accurate reply, please add all pertinent information to your query, thank you.