
Survival Systems International offer a diverse range of SOLAS inflatable liferafts

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Survival Systems International offer a diverse range of SOLAS inflatable liferafts

Survival Systems International have 50+ years experience in supporting the service and procurement needs of a worldwide customer base.

This experience has given insight into the differing requirements between Offshore, Maritime and Cruise in relation to life raft capsule purchase and hire.

In response to these differing needs SSI has developed a diverse product range with flexible payment tariffs including liferaft rental and lifeboats for sale.

Liferafts Rental Benefits


Life Raft servicing, certification and replacement is time consuming and financially unpredictable for many operators in the offshore oil and gas industry.

Survival Systems International provide a solution that greatly benefits oil and gas operators with easy management and consistent, predictable costing for life rafts.

Survival Systems International offers the replacement of a “service agreement” with a “rental agreement” of life rafts at a fixed annual fee that not only will save money and time for operators but will importantly have one fixed annual cost for the period of 5 years while continuing compliance with IMO/SOLAS regulations. This one fixed annual cost includes all costs for the new life rafts, including testing, certification and perishables replacement.


WHY NOW? Because more than ever operators are looking to reduce CapEx

Life rafts can be a costly CapEx purchase for offshore and maritime operators, they also have historically had unpredictable servicing costs, this is especially true for older life rafts (10+ years old)

A rental option is simple for operators with key benefits

  • no expensive up font purchase of life rafts

  • one single fixed annual cost for duration of contract (usually 5 years)

  • no short term “loan rafts” required for changeouts

  • SSI takes care of the rest


Fixed location, single port for delivery/pickup
(NOT international maritime customers who constantly move around)
  • Platforms, FPSO’s, tug fleets, ferries. The older their existing life rafts are the better.
  • Rafts cost significantly more to service once they are 10 years old.
  • Usually a rental agreement will save operators money against servicing costs alone if their life rafts are over 10 years old (plus the substantial savings of not having to purchase a new raft)
survival systems liferafts
survival systems liferafts

Liferafts Enquiry Form

If you have an enquiry with regards to Liferafts please fill in the enquiry form below and we will reply with 48 hours.

To ensure a swift and accurate reply, please add all pertinent information to your query, thank you.